Immigration psychologists consult, evaluate, and testify regarding psycho-legal issues relevant to the immigration case.
As consultants, immigration psychologists guide other professionals who are trying to formulate or understand psychological issues relevant to their cases. As evaluators, immigration psychologists conduct clinical interviews and psychological testing to answer the psycho-legal questions the court or immigration officials may have. The immigration psychological evaluation includes testing and clinical interviews meant to assess the individual’s mental state and establish diagnostic impressions. As expert witness, the immigration psychologist describes the findings of an evaluation.
Overall, immigration psychologists are retained at the request of the immigration attorney who is handling the immigration case. Not all cases require the expertise of an immigration psychologist.
An immigration psychologist serves as an independent medical examiner who has expertise in the psycho-legal issues that are relevant to the case. Immigration psychologists must avoid dual relationships , that could compromise independence of opinion or could place the psychologist in conflicting roles. For example, the immigration psychologist cannot be the therapist of the client being evaluated for a legal case because therapists must advocate for their client’s welfare while immigration psychologists must maintain a role of independent medical examiner who is objective in answering psycho-legal questions relevant to the case.
Immigration psychologists must understand rules of admissibility to determine whether the testing and procedures used are valid and reliable enough to stand the scrutiny of the court and other experts. Immigration psychologists must understand how to provide testimony as required by the case.
Immigration psychologists and Immigration Attorneys have a working relationship that must protect the independence of opinion and the objectivity of each professional.
Immigration Psychology, Inc. has Florida immigration psychologists, North Carolina immigration psychologists, South Carolina immigration psychologists, and experts in other states. Contact us or by phone at 877-297-5952 , 305-456-4147 or 407-690-7129.
Johanna W. Guerrero, Ph.D.
Licensed Psychologist