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the door of a container which was covered with iron chains and keysHuman trafficking is a pervasive crime that casts a dark shadow over society. According to data from the U.S. Department of State, the problem is immense, trapping an estimated 24.9 million people globally in various forms of forced labor and sexual exploitation. But it is crucial to understand that human trafficking is not just a problem in far-flung countries; it has a significant domestic impact as well.

In a determined effort to assist victims, the United States government offers specific immigration pathways such as the T Visa. While the process can be complex, comprehensive psychological evaluations play a pivotal role in the application process.

What Is Human Trafficking?

Human trafficking, often termed “modern-day slavery,” is an illicit activity that grossly violates human rights and dignity. The essence of the crime lies in the exploitation of human beings through forced labor, sexual servitude, or sometimes a combination of both. Its mechanisms include illegal transport, harboring, and recruitment, usually conducted through force, fraud, or coercion.

Immigration Relief for Victims of Human Trafficking

Recognizing the need to protect and assist victims of human trafficking, the U.S. government has implemented immigration relief measures to provide a sanctuary for survivors. Among these, the T Visa stands as a pivotal form of aid. Established under the Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act of 2000, the T Visa serves as a protective measure specifically designed for victims of severe forms of human trafficking.

The T Visa grants victims the right to remain in the United States legally for a period of up to 4 years. One of its major benefits is that it opens the door for a pathway to lawful permanent residency, allowing survivors to rebuild their lives without the looming fear of deportation.

Additionally, the T Visa has provisions for immediate family members, including spouses, children, and unmarried siblings under the age of 21. These derivative T Visas aim to keep families intact, recognizing that the support of loved ones can be crucial in a survivor’s path to recovery and integration.

Requirements to Qualify for a T Visa

To successfully apply for a T Visa, it is imperative to meet certain eligibility criteria set forth by U.S. immigration laws. These criteria function as a safeguard to ensure that only real victims of severe forms of human trafficking receive this specialized immigration relief.

  • Applicants must conclusively prove that they have been victims of “severe forms of trafficking,” as specifically delineated under U.S. law.
  • The applicant must be physically present in the United States or at a port of entry due to the trafficking. This condition also extends to those who were trafficked into the U.S. but have remained in the country after escaping their traffickers.
  • The victim should be willing to comply with any reasonable requests for cooperation in any ongoing investigation or prosecution relating to the trafficking.
  • Applicants are required to demonstrate that they would face “extreme hardship involving unusual and severe harm” if they were to be removed from the United States.

Meeting these criteria is not just a procedural necessity; it is a vital step toward reclaiming one’s life after the trauma of human trafficking.

Psychological Evaluation for T Visa Application

Immigration Psychological Evaluations can be pivotal in T Visa applications. Immigration Psychology can help with this assessment and can provide substantial evidence for the severity of the emotional and psychological toll the victim has endured.

This psychological evidence adds weight to the T Visa application, making it an invaluable part of the process. The psychological evaluation focuses on:

  • Verifying the trauma experienced by the victim
  • Assessing the extent of psychological distress
  • Providing professional opinions on the extreme hardship the applicant may face if deported

While the road to recovery is arduous, immigration relief like the T Visa can provide a significant first step. Undertaking a comprehensive psychology evaluation for immigration not only bolsters the strength of your T Visa application but also reaffirms the severity of the trauma sustained.

At Immigration Psychology, we provide objective psychological evaluations for T Visa applicants and offer complimentary consultations across 33 states. Our assessments are available both in-person and through a secure, HIPAA-compliant video conference system.

Seek a path toward healing and a future free from the shackles of your past, contact us today for a free consultation. We are available via phone or email and ready to discuss your unique situation. Our contact information is as follows:


Phone: 877-297-5952 or 305-456-4147 or 407-690-7129