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professional psychologist doctor consult in psychotherapy sessionWhen a family member’s immigration status is in jeopardy. It is a dire situation that affects not just the individual but the entire family.

Why are hardship immigration evaluations denied?

In reality, a hardship immigration evaluation is not something that can be denied, rather, immigration evaluations are a crucial tool in supporting an immigration case. It’s a complex process involving various facets of psychology evaluation for immigration that needs to be understood.

A hardship immigration evaluation cannot be denied, rather, this crucial tool is meant to gather information about the hardships that could affect the individual and qualifying relatives in the event of removal from the United States.  Once the hardship immigration evaluation is prepared, the immigration attorney will review the evaluation and ensure that the immigration psychologist has addressed all the hardship issues relevant to the case. The immigration psychologist never submits any documents to USCIS.

Read on to learn about the specifics of the hardship immigration evaluations.

What Is a Hardship Immigration Evaluation?

A Hardship Immigration Evaluation, or Immigration Psychological Evaluation, is a comprehensive analysis performed by a professional immigration psychologist. It is used to document the emotional, medical, and psychosocial hardships that an individual or family might face due to an adverse immigration decision.

  • Emotional Hardships Assessment: This part of the evaluation assesses the emotional toll on the individual or qualifying relative due to potential immigration decisions. This could include anxiety, depression, or other effects linked to separation or the threat of deportation.
  • Medical Hardships Evaluation: Medical hardships involve existing health conditions that may worsen without proper care or support in the native country. The evaluation takes into account ongoing medical treatments, the availability of medical facilities, accessibility to medications, and the necessity for specialized care.
  • Psychosocial Analysis: This segment explores social factors, including community integration, educational opportunities, and social support systems that would be disrupted by an adverse immigration decision.

Together, these elements form a multi-faceted picture, offering a nuanced insight into the potential hardships faced by the applicant and their family.

Importance of a Hardship Immigration Evaluation

The immigration psychology evaluation goes beyond mere paperwork. It plays an essential role in:

  • Understanding Family Dynamics: The evaluation helps explain the family system of the applicant, revealing how members support and rely on each other. The evaluation delves into the support structures within a family, such as caregiving responsibilities, shared financial responsibilities, and emotional support mechanisms.
  • Explaining Interdependencies: The evaluation uncovers the depth of emotional bonds within the family, providing evidence of how separation might impact not just one individual but the whole family unit. It explores how family members rely on one another for financial stability and physical care, creating a tangible link between individuals.
  • Identifying Hardships: An immigration psychologist probes into various aspects, such as medical conditions, emotional well-being, educational prospects, and more, to outline the full scope of hardships. The evaluation provides insights that go beyond surface-level facts, offering interpretations that convey the actual lived experience of the applicant and family members.

In short, it’s not just a document; it’s the substantiation of a family’s life. It is an extensive document that encapsulates the fears, hopes, relationships, and realities of those at the heart of an immigration case. It resonates with the complexities of human lives and interdependencies, making it an indispensable part of the immigration process.

When a Hardship Application Gets Denied

When complications occur with your Hardship Application, seeking legal counsel from an immigration attorney becomes paramount. An immigration psychologist can never provide legal advice.  Legal guidance ensures that the hardship immigration evaluation prepared by the licensed psychologist and the application prepared by the immigration attorney align seamlessly, reflecting the reality of the hardships faced.

Immigration psychologists and immigration attorneys have a working relationship that must protect the independence of opinion and the objectivity of each professional.  Immigration psychologists must understand rules of admissibility to determine whether the testing and procedures used are valid and reliable enough to stand the scrutiny of the court and other experts.  Immigration psychologists must understand how to provide testimony as required by the case.

As specialists in the field of immigration psychological evaluation, we provide a holistic view of the hardships faced by qualifying relatives — making it a vital piece of evidence in the Hardship Application.

The complexity of hardship applications and immigration evaluations makes it a challenge to navigate successfully. A deeper understanding can go a long way in making the process smoother. As independent evaluator, our role at Immigration Psychology is to conduct specialized objective assessments for immigration cases — providing thorough, impartial evaluations.

To help you navigate this labyrinth, we are available for free consultations across 35 states. All our evaluations can be conducted via a secure video conference system that is HIPAA compliant.

We are available via phone or email and ready to discuss your unique situation. Our contact information is as follows:


Phone: 877-297-5952 or 305-456-4147 or 407-690-7129