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human traffickingWhat is a human trafficking visa or T Visa?

The T visa is a type of nonimmigrant status that allows certain victims of human trafficking and their family members to remain in the United States temporarily. The purpose of the T Visa is to provide victims of human trafficking with protection and assistance while they assist law enforcement in investigating and prosecuting human traffickers.

Who is eligible for a human trafficking visa or T Visa?

To be eligible for a T visa, an individual must be a victim of human trafficking as defined by the Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA). This means that they must have been subjected to forced, fraud, or coercion for the purpose of labor or sex trafficking.

What is sex trafficking in a T Visa case?

Sex trafficking occurs when the victim has been forced, coerced or tricked into participating in commercial sexual acts.  Human trafficking has also occurred when the person engaging in the sexual acts is under 18 years of age.  In these cases, the perpetrator of the human trafficking has recruited, transported, solicited, or harbored the victims with the purpose of engaging in commercial sex acts.

What is labor trafficking in a human trafficking or T Visa case?

Labor trafficking occurs when the victim has been forced, coerced, or tricked into involuntary servitude, debt bondage, peonage, or slavery.  In these cases, the perpetrator of the human trafficking has recruited, transported, solicited, or harbored the victims with the purpose of engaging in human trafficking.

What are other requirements of the human trafficking visa or T Visa?

In addition to being a victim of human trafficking, an individual must also be physically present in the United States or a port of entry as a result of trafficking, and they must be willing to assist law enforcement in investigating and prosecuting their traffickers.  The T visa holder can remain in the United States for up to four years and may be eligible for certain benefits such as employment authorization and access to social services.

What is a psychological evaluation for T Visa or human trafficking visa?

A psychological evaluation for  T Visa is done at the recommendation of the immigration attorney.  Not all T Visa cases require an immigration psychological evaluation.

The purpose of a psychological evaluation for a T visa is to assess the psychological impact of the trafficking on the individual seeking the T visa. This may include documenting the psychological symptoms and difficulties experienced by the individual as a result of the trafficking, as well as the potential long-term effects of these experiences on the individual’s mental health and well-being.

In general, a psychological evaluation for a T visa may include an assessment of the individual’s mental health and well-being, a review of relevant medical and psychological records, and an evaluation of the psychological impact of the trafficking on the individual and their family. The evaluation may also include recommendations for treatment or other interventions to address the psychological impacts of the trafficking.

How do immigration psychologists and immigration attorneys work together in a human trafficking or T Visa case?

A psychological evaluation for  T Visa is done at the recommendation of the immigration attorney.

Immigration psychologists and Immigration Attorneys have a working relationship that must protect the independence of opinion and the objectivity of each professional.

Immigration psychologists must understand rules of admissibility to determine whether the testing and procedures used are valid and reliable enough to stand the scrutiny of the court and other experts.  Immigration psychologists must understand how to provide testimony as required by the case.

How can I contact an immigration psychologist?

Immigration Psychology, Inc. has Florida immigration psychologists, North Carolina immigration psychologists, South Carolina immigration psychologists, and experts in other states.


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